Posts: printing

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Learn, Correct, Elevate: How To Answer That Interview Question About Failure

Facing the important interview question, "Tell me about a time you failed," can be daunting at first blush. Mistakes or miscalculations can cost employers time, money, and even returning or future customers, so interviewers are listening closely to your answer.

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Printers - Time is Now to Recruit & Hire for Tech-Focused Roles

As traditional commercial printing and print and mail services quickly transition to digital services and infrastructure, employers must grasp the evolving landscape of skills and positions needed to thrive in this rapidly changing industry. From advanced manufacturing to integrated marketing technologies, the demand for specialized expertise is at an all-time high--and you want to grab the top talent for your company first.

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The Shifting Sands of Labor and Staffing Shortages

While the talking points have changed a bit in the past 12 months alone, the sentiment hasn’t: the staffing and skilled labor shortage continues to be a challenging subject commercial printers can’t afford to ignore. It isn’t a problem unique to the printing industry, but the pain points aren’t any less frustrating. Fortunately, there are things you can do to help mitigate the pressure.

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Calling all geeks: The digital print revolution wants YOU

Commercial printing has undergone a significant transformation, evolving into a highly technical, data-driven, and digitized industry. This evolution has led to a growing demand for job seekers with expertise in various specialized fields and software platforms. The integration of digital technologies has revolutionized every aspect of the printing process, from design to distribution.

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The Economic Case for Welcoming Immigrants: A Boost for Worker Shortages, Inflation, and GDP

In an era of rapidly changing demographics and evolving labor markets, the United States faces a trifecta of challenges: addressing worker shortages, managing inflation, and bolstering its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita. One solution that remains in the spotlight is the role of immigration. Allowing more immigrants into the U.S. workforce can be a win-win solution for the broader economy and industries like the ones we serve in the graphic arts--printing, packaging, warehousing, media, and more.

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October 17, 2023 — The Semper Workforce Solutions quarterly survey of print, graphics and packaging companies opens today. The 2023 Third Quarter Staffing and Economic survey asks nine key questions and is participation is open to all commercial printing, packaging, display and large format graphics, apparel and decorating, and related organizations. It only takes a couple of minutes to complete.

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Semper Workforce Solutions Second Quarter 2023 Survey Results

Semper Workforce Solutions has released the results from their second-quarter survey of the printing and packaging industries. This industry-specific survey feedback reflected a more positive outlook on the economy into the coming months. Hiring has returned as the number one business focus as companies reported sales projections to remain solid and/or grow into the next quarter. 

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Don’t Let Legalization Cloud Workplace Drug Policies

As marijuana legalization continues to evolve, commercial printers and other employers in our industry face unique challenges in crafting effective policies and maintaining a safe and productive work environment—amidst a continuing worker shortage.  While the use of marijuana is still illegal at the federal level, many states have decriminalized or legalized its use for medical […]

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July 14, 2023 — The Semper Workforce Solutions quarterly survey of print, graphics and packaging companies opens today. The Q2 2023 Staffing and Economic survey asks nine simple questions should only take a couple of minutes to complete. The Semper leadership team analyzes and presents the results from a hiring and retention viewpoint. The goal is to help managers and owners prepare for the short term and forecast into the future. 

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AI is Transforming Hiring Practices

With advancements in artificial intelligence, language models like ChatGPT are creating opportunities to enhance and streamline hiring. However, navigating the potential challenges and pitfalls that may arise when integrating AI technology is a necessary part of implementation.

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